Placed on – 28 July 2024

ARMOR Heat Stress Monitoring Sets delivered to the Royal Netherlands Army

Evalan’s CEO delivers the first of 175 Sets of ARMOR Heat Stress Monitors to Brigadier General Roland de Jong of the Royal Netherlands Army at the Bernhardkazerne in Amersfoort.
Heat Stress Monitor

The ARMOR Heat Stess Monitor was developed by EVALAN in close collaboration with the  Department for Training Medicine & Training Physiology (TGTF) of the Royal Netherlands Army. ARMOR is used during training and exercises to recognize heat illness at an early stage. This allows the instructor to intervene and prevent heat injuries. It uses the ECTemp technology developed by the US Army.

After a period of successful testing, the Royal Netherlands Army is rolling out the use of ARMOR across all training centers. Evalan will supply a total of 175 sets, each packed into a Flight Case that doubles as a charging station. A Flight Case contains 25 ARMOR wearable devices.

The first of these 175 ARMOR Flight Cases was delivered to Birgadier General Roland de Jong, Commander of the Training Command of the Dutch Military, by Evalan’s CEO Henk Schwietert, at the Benrhardkazerne in Amersfoort. An important Milestone !

Evalan's CEO presents an ARMOR Heat Stress Monitor Flight Case to Brigadier General Roland de Jong
Brigadier General Roland de Jong receives the first ARMOR Heat Stress Monitor Flight Case from Evalan CEO Henk Schwietert

Are you interested in monitoring heat stress of professionals that perform under though conditions – contact us for more information about ARMOR. ARMOR has been used by Military Personnel, Fire Fighters, Construction Workers, Factory Workers and Athletes.

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