Placed on – 29 October 2023

Defining an IoT Strategy

We offer workshops to enable our clients to make better informed decisions about their IoT Strategy.

IoT is transforming businesses and entire industries. Although still a world of thousand niches, in many sectors IoT has passed the “why” stage and now focuses on “how”. In other words, the business case is clear, but the right implementation is still an open question.

We notice time and again that companies that are active in the same sector, in the same territory with an otherwise identical business model, make completely different choices with respect to their IoT solutions. Not all of them can be right.

We support our clients in defining their IoT strategy. We offer custom workshops and design thinking programs that cover all aspects of a successful IoT strategy. These include topics like:

  • Use Cases
  • Objectives, Goals and KPI’s
  • Stakeholders
  • Economic Model per Use Case
  • Business Case
  • Technical Options
  • Architecture
  • Technical Risks
  • Feasibility Tests
  • MVP
  • Implementation Plan
  • Roll-Out Plan – Phases, Milestones
  • Roadmap
  • Change Management
  • Desired Outcomes of Pilot Project or POC

The objective of these workshops is to enable our clients to make better informed decisions about their IoT Strategy. IoT is not a “project” with a beginning and an end. It is a journey that never ends. The decisions made at the start are not trivial and have impact.

If you want to explore what is possible in IoT for your business, contact us at or book a meeting with one of our experts.

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Evodos – IoT remote monitoring solution

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"We solve problems with IoT solutions to give your business a competitive advantage."