Placed on – 16 February 2023

EVALAN is powering up for Solar Solutions International 2023

After its huge success in Dusseldorf, EVALAN will be present at Solar Solutions International.
Solar Solutions International

After the tremendous success witnessed by its participation in September 2022 at Solar Solutions Dusseldorf, EVALAN has decided to exhibit at the upcoming Solar Solutions International event. This trade show, which is one of the largest B2B trade shows in Europe dedicated to solar energy and related industries, presents a valuable opportunity for EVALAN to connect with potential clients and partners, and to continue promoting its innovative solutions in the field.  

Solar Solutions International is set to take place in Vijfhuizen at the Expo Greater Amsterdam from the 14th to the 16th of March, and will bring together industry professionals, experts, and companies from across the world to display the latest innovations and technologies in the solar energy industry.  

Meet us at booth H25.1 

As part of the latest innovations in smart products, EVALAN will be showcasing its IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for the energy sector at booth H25.1. The aim is to show potential clients and partners:  

  • How they can integrate multiple devices and components with BACE Plus into one system, regardless of the supplier.  
  • How our IoT solutions will allow them to monitor energy consumption and key performance parameters.  
  • How our IoT solutions will allow them to remotely control and manage entire systems or single devices.  
  • How they can use surplus energy in their own system instead of selling it back to the grid.  

“Exhibiting at Solar Solutions International will help EVALAN build on its success and reach a wider audience of industry professionals and potential customers.” — Henk Schwietert, CEO of EVALAN.

Tickets for Solar Solutions International

By clicking here, you can register as an invitee from EVALAN and get FREE tickets to attend Solar Solution International. Tickets can otherwise be purchased for €75.  

Conference sessions 

Solar Solutions International will also feature a series of seminars and workshops, where attendees can network with other industry players, exchange ideas, learn about latest trends, share knowledge about best practices and explore new business opportunities. You can view the program here.  


With over 15 years of experience, EVALAN is the leading IoT solutions provider. Recognized among the 100 most innovative enterprises in the Netherlands and present in over 50 countries, we help clients to solve challenges and make data-driven decisions allowing them to improve efficiency, save costs and achieve sustainability goals.  

More information 

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Or book a meeting with our sales manager here.  

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