Placed on – 22 September 2020

IoT solution to measure the physical load of soldiers

The Dutch Ministry of Defence asked us to provide a solution that prevents overburdening soldiers during exercises.

The work of soldiers requires enormous physical effort and the risk of overburdening is high. The Ministry of Defence wishes to prevent absenteeism of their personnel but up to now the physical load was hard to measure objectively. They asked us to provide an IoT solution and to manage their ARMOR technology project (Ambulant Registration of Military Operational Readiness System).

Pressure sensors to prevent absenteeism

Our innovative pressure sensors provide an important contribution to ARMOR. The solution we developed gives objective information on the pressure that is imposed on the soldier. We integrated sensors into the army boot which allows for continuous measuring of the weight of the soldiers’ backpacks. Absenteeism can now be predicted, and measures can be taken to prevent overburdening soldiers.

Multiple measurements with a modular solution

To be wider applicable, we developed a modular solution with hip and chest sensors in addition to the pressure sensors. This allows for multiple measurements such as body position, energy consumption, and heart rate. This combination leads to new applications and provides even more insight into the physical load of the soldiers.


  • Pressure sensor integrated into an army boot
  • Making physical strain of soldiers objectively measurable
  • Avoiding and making absenteeism more predictable

Broad cooperation

ARMOR is being developed in collaboration with the department Trainingsgeneeskunde en Trainingsfysiologie of the Dutch Ministry of Defence, the University of Twente and Evalan. By using each other’s technology and knowledge we achieve the best possible solution for ARMOR.

The Department of Defence about Evalan

“Over the past years, Evalan proved to be a very valuable partner to cooperate with. They are innovative, professional, flexible and enthusiastic and they implement solutions that meet our objectives.”

drs. B.J. Veenstra

Senior researcher Fysieke Selectie and Prestatiemonitoring – Defence

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Our success cases

Shifter – Smart time registration system

Handicart – IoT Fleet Management System

Evodos – IoT remote monitoring solution

Vitens – Leak Detection System

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