Placed on – 8 February 2019

Starting the SINTEC project

On the 16th and 17th of January we joined the kick-off of the SINTEC project (Soft Intelligence Epidermal Communication Plaftorm) in Sweden. The aim of this project is to develop two new techniques: stretchable pcb’s (printed circuit boards) and communication through fat tissue. Evalan will combine these techniques to realize practical and effective solutions for healthcare.

The kick-off started Wednesday morning at the Uppsala University with an introduction including a series of presentations by our partners in which they presented their company and explained their role in the project. Evalan’s mission is to realize the complete package of IoT, from sensors to apps and everything in between. In this project we are going to focus on compiling the requirements of a health-tracking sensor that sticks to the skin, also known as smart patch. We will answer questions such as: How will the smart patch be used within healthcare? And: How can the collected health data be best presented to the healthcare professionals and patients?

A Tour at Mycronic
After the introductions of the participants, we went to a hotel in Sigtuna, the first capital city of Sweden, where we joined a set of presentations which highlighted the different work packages of the project. Since an important part of the kick-off was getting to know the other partners,  we visited Mycronic, an innovative partner that is at the forefront of the electronics industry, creating world-leading production solutions for the electronics assembly, display and packaging industries. For SINTEC they will assembly machines producing printed circuit boards, the key components of the smart patches. During the tour we had a close look at the production of these machines that create pcb’s by systematically printing the right electronic component in the right place. In this way Mycronic will produce the printed circuit board for the solutions that we will develop for healthcare.

Involved in innovation
The reason for our participation in the SINTEC project is to be closely involved in state-of-the-art innovations. The smart patch is one of these innovations containing new techniques that provide possibilities within healthcare and the sport sector. Current printed circuit boards may shift due to movement or tight clothing, which may lead to incorrect measurements. They can soon be replaced by the stretchable smart patch. Communication through fat tissue prevents signals to be disrupted and thus ensures a streamlined and safer way of communication. By participating in the project, we contribute to the newest developments in the field of IoT.

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Evodos – IoT remote monitoring solution

Shifter – Smart time registration system

Ministry of Defense – The ARMOR Heat Monitor

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