Placed on – 12 February 2020

These are the IoT trends of 2020

IoT trends 2020

In 2020 IoT will play a major role in several respects. Organizations are leaving the knowledge-gathering phase behind them and are starting to integrate IoT implementations and pilots. In addition, more and more applications with IoT are possible. Which trends are central to this? We explain 5 trends here.

Trend 1: 5G leads to an increase in innovative solutions
The new 5G networks become the driving force behind IoT use cases that were not possible with earlier networks. This is due to the fast connectivity, the large amount of data it can send, fast response time and the large range of 5G. A study by Business Insider shows that in 2025 an estimated 65 trillion devices will be connected to 5G. With a larger bandwidth and lower response time, 5G can send more data and transmit it faster. New innovations are therefore taking off enormously. Think of self-driving cars that can communicate with each other faster, thus preventing collisions. Or industries that continue to automate their processes and to communicate with home, garden and kitchen appliances that we are not yet connected to. Connectivity is taken to a new level by the 5G networks.

Trend 2: Smart Cities are on the rise
The second trend we see this year is the rise of smart cities. The smart city market is expected to grow to more than $ 158 billion in 2022. Many smart city projects have already started behind the scenes and will be introduced this year. By optimizing the infrastructure with technology, higher efficiency and safety are achieved. Connectivity plays a major role in this; everything in the city is interconnected. Smart meters, electric means of transport, a smart grid infrastructure and smart buildings are part of the smart city. Buildings cause a huge share of emissions in the city and by making these buildings more sustainable through sensors, emissions can be reduced. Sensors measure the air quality in the building and the energy consumption and send the data to the building owner or facility manager who can manage his building better and more efficiently with the information. With cost savings and a sustainable building as a result.

Trend 3: AI offers help with automation of business processes
To manage the large amounts of collected data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a solution. By integrating an intelligent and self-learning system, the data is easier managed and controlled. AI algorithms enable companies to allow machines to recognize certain behavior and to correct it in the event of a deviation. In this way, production companies prevent unexpected downtime. In addition, software robots can automate a number of tasks. When we fill in forms or write reports, the system learns how to do these administrative tasks for us in a faster and streamlined way. This is also called Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA takes these time-consuming but essential administrative tasks out of our hands so that there is more time for complex work.

Trend 4: Smart health
Many IoT healthcare solutions have been developed in recent years to provide better and more personalized care. Think of wearables that patients wear to continuously measure the blood pressure that they and the doctors can monitor in real time. This provides more space in hospitals, more personal care, fewer costs and more safety. By collecting data about the location of assets, valuable information is given to the hospital about operational processes. This information can help improve throughput, increase efficiency, reduce waiting times, support investment decisions, and support many similar improvements that have been achieved through smart use of the dataset. This trend continues this year and with technologies such as AI and 5G, new innovations for healthcare are boosted.

Trend 5: Smart agriculture
IoT will play an increasingly important role in the agricultural sector. Through a network of sensors, cameras, drones and other connected devices, farmers can take care of and maintain their cattle and land better and more efficiently. There are now two ways in which IoT is used. First, sensors accurately monitor the food required for plants and the cattle. This can be measured per square meter but also per crop or animal. For example, farmers can better monitor and then adjust the needs of individual animals, thereby preventing the spread of diseases and improving the health of the cattle. Secondly, automation will play a role more often. An example of this is smart greenhouses where sensors measure the environmental parameters and monitor the climate. This allows farmers to increase the quantity and quality of production and at the same time optimize the required processes.

In short, new technological developments such as 5G and AI are creating more and more opportunities for using IoT. At the same time, we see that IoT is increasingly being used in various sectors. These developments together lead to better results and more safety and security in all branches. It is therefore not surprising that many organizations have IoT high on the agenda in 2020.

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