Author name: Henk

Dynamic Load Balancing

Dynamic Load Balancing for Optimization and Peak Shaving

Getting connected to the power grid is getting harder in countries that transition to sustainable electricity production, with waiting times exceeding a year in some cases. Once connected, making sure that the peak use of power does not exceed the contract limits is important to avoid penalties, or worse: contract termination or lawsuits. At the

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BACE Panel let's you manage the onboarding of your Devices

Announcing BACE Panel for Rapid Deployment of Assets in an IoT Platform

BACE Panel let’s you onboard your Modbus Device in minutes. After connecting a BACE IoT Gateway to your device via Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU, you can select the required settings in the BACE Panel Dashboard and forward those to the Digital Twin. A short instant later, data from your device becomes available in the Cloud via the

Announcing BACE Panel for Rapid Deployment of Assets in an IoT Platform Read More »

IoT enabled Smart Industrial Kitchen

IoT is about Use Cases: An Industrial Bakery reduces its energy consumption by 15%

To improve the energy efficiency of its operations and reduce unnecessary losses, our customer, an industrial bakery that specializes in seasonal products, started an energy improvement program in mid-2022. To support the execution of this program, three-phase electricity meters were installed in the power supply of the main units of operation throughout the plant, and

IoT is about Use Cases: An Industrial Bakery reduces its energy consumption by 15% Read More »

Smart Water – Test with water pipes in Friesland

In opdracht van Vitens is Evalan gestart met het testen van een nieuw real-time monitoring systeem voor waterleidingen. Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van een gedistribueerd meetsysteem dat door Evalan is ontwikkeld. Dit systeem verzamelt meetgegevens uit het netwerk en analyseert deze gegevens, in real-time. Het doel van dit systeem is om problemen in het netwerk in real-time te detecteren en snel te lokaliseren.

Om de nauwkeurigheid van het systeem te verhogen woreden opnemers gebruikt die de trillingen van kleppen registreert, en deze gegevens doorstuurt naar de centrale database. Deze trillingen kunnen worden gecorreleerd aan het dagelijkse patroon van waterstromen door het netwerk.

Smart Water – Test with water pipes in Friesland Read More »