Placed on – 14 December 2022

Celebrating the Joy of the Season with EVALAN

Watch the Jolly video we made to express our gratitude and to share our wishes for 2023.
Celebrating the joy of the season

As we approach the end of the year, EVALAN would like to take a moment to express its heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your business and support. We are grateful to have the chance to create, innovate and work with you on Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that add value to your company and are part of your success.  

As we enter the holiday season, we would like to share this video and a message with you: 

Another year has come and gone.  

Goals were achieved,  

challenges were faced.  

As with all our clients,  

we listened to your needs 

to build on  

and to create  

the IoT solutions  

that better  

support your goals.  

Our Wish for 2023?  

To provide You  

with the best insights  


to help you find 

a better perspective.  

In this beautiful New Year to come  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

We look forward to continuing working with you in 2023 and to supporting your IoT needs.  

Warmest wishes,  


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Handicart – IoT Fleet Management System

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