Placed on – 29 November 2019

EVALAN receives an acknowledgement for innovation from the Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld-Schouten

Evalan received an acknowledgement from the Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld-Schouten

On the Day of the Entrepreneur, the Ministry of Defense organizes working visits to innovative companies that contribute to solutions for the army, including IoT company EVALAN. EVALAN develops IoT applications where customized devices, state-of-the-art communication technology and internet applications are used. On this day, Major General Nico van der Zee visited our company and a number of innovations were presented and demonstrated. ARMOR is one of these innovations and is used by the army to monitor the heat strain of soldiers.

During this day, four of Evalan’s innovations were explained and demonstrated: The ARMOR heat strain monitor, the bGrid smart building system, the SpiroNose sensor system that identifies lung diseases from exhaled air and the SACON innovation in which an access control system using bluetooth locks is added to bGrid’s localization technology. Ideas have been exchanged about how these innovations can be adapted and used as an application for the Ministry of Defense. Examples of these ideas are measuring air conditions in and around the military base in mission areas, tracing military equipment or gaining insight into the effect of external conditions on the body of soldiers. It was a very interesting and productive meeting in which we discussed how technology can add value to the safety and wellbeing of the military.

Evalan received an acknowledgement from the Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld-Schouten

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IoT solution to measure the physical load of soldiers

Handicart – IoT Fleet Management System

Shifter – Smart time registration system

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