Placed on – 8 June 2017

OneLogistics – Supply Chain Management F-35

OneLogistics – Supply Chain Management F-35

Evalan has joined the OneLogistics Program. This program is the Dutch proposal for managing the Supply Chain Support System for the European Operations of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter airplane.

In June 2016 a Letter of Intent (LOI) was signed by a broad Dutch consortium of partners who are related to the field of F-35 sustainment logistics, to form the OneLogistics Program. The LOI was also signed by the Dutch Ministry of Defense, the Customs Administration of The Netherlands, the Province of Brabant and by several funding organizations. The initiative is furthermore supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economics .

By combining an extraordinary team of defense, logistics, customs/VAT and compliance specialist partners, OneLogistics brings global supply chain expertise to complex systems such as the European F-35 program.

The OneLogistics Program consists of 35 elements. One of these elements, Asset Visibility, is managed by Evalan.

More information about the OneLogistics Program can be found here.

OneLogistics – Supply Chain Management F-35

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