Placed on – 3 April 2019

Rapid uptake of Internet of Medical Things

Rapid uptake of Internet of Medical Things

The rapid uptake of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), in other words biometric monitoring, offers a lot of possibilities for healthcare professionals, athletes and people with physical demanding professions. In the US, 60 percent of the healthcare organizations are using IoMT devices to measure blood pressure, brain activity and body temperature.

Now biometric sensors are being applied to save lives, it is time for organizations to explore the possibilities. IoT expert Evalan underscores this in her newest whitepaper ‘Impacting health, safety and performance with IoT-based biometrics’.

Consumers use biometrics, like activity trackers, already for a long time. For healthcare, the innovative technologies such as data mining, live tracking and machine learning can be of great value. Athletes can also use biometrics to continually measure their health and improve their performance. By monitoring the blood pressure and body temperature of people with physically demanding professions such as soldiers and firefighters, action can be taken promptly and subsequently injuries can be prevented.

Rapid uptake of Internet of Medical Things

Henk Schwietert, CEO of Evalan: “We live in a dynamic, unpredictable world in which new technologies alternate continuously. By starting the implementation of biometrics and IoMT, (healthcare) organizations can distinguish themselves and improve the care and protection of their clients, employees or patients. IoMT changes the traditional forms of sports, work and care and will also derange existing revenue models. For an IoMT project to succeed, intensive cooperation between healthcare professionals and IoT experts is of great importance. Only then organizations will be able to benefit from their innovations”.

Evalan’s vision of capitalizing on the opportunities that the Internet of Medical Things has to offer, is incorporated in the white paper “Impacting health, safety and performance with IoT-based biometrics”. This can be downloaded for free on the following page:

This article appeared on Emerce. Click here to view the article on Emerce.

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