Placed on – 9 May 2023

Still keeping an energy efficiency journal? Better automate the energy monitoring task

A cost-efficient IoT energy monitoring system can simplify and clarify the task, while helping you get rid of your energy efficiency journal.
Energy Monitoring

Many business owners and employees are interested in energy monitoring and energy efficiency activities, be it to reduce expenses or for sustainability reasons.  

Using energy monitoring to reduce expenses 

When interested in cost-savings, business owners tend to experiment with the settings and configurations of energy intensive appliances, equipment and machines in their facilities hoping to:  

  1. See how these changes affect their overall energy consumption and bills.  
  2. Gain insight into which appliances consume the most energy.  
  3. Track how energy is used.  

Energy monitoring for sustainability compliance 

Governmental advice on sustainable practices and new regulations provide business owners with guidance and targets about sustainability improvements in their facilities.  

These include adapting processes to comply with the recently revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) which will ask large energy consumers to implement energy management systems and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to follow energy audits that assess their overall energy consumption

The Need 

To gain real insight into where and how energy is being used in a facility, a strategic approach to energy management and energy monitoring —which doesn’t involve keeping an energy efficiency journal— is essential.  

Keeping an energy efficiency journal and tracking changes manually is time-consuming, inefficient and inaccurate. Manually changing settings of appliances won’t allow a business to distinguish where the impact came from when looking at the total number of kWhs used in the month. This approach will also fail to provide deeper insights into how much energy each appliance uses and at which price. In that sense, IoT can simplify and automate the task of monitoring, optimizing and reducing your business’s energy usage

“EVALAN’s advanced energy monitoring system is a cost-effective solution that allows business owners to track their energy consumption at a granular level remotely and in real time”. 

The Energy Monitoring Technology 

EVALAN’s energy monitoring system includes three essential parts:   

  • The BACE IoT Gateway, which establishes bi-directional communication between its cloud platform and appliances you choose to monitor.  
  • The energy meters or smart plugs, which provide granular data on energy usage per device. 
  • A user-friendly and customizable dashboard that displays real-time energy consumption data in a clear and concise manner.  

The BACE IoT Gateway collects energy consumption data from the facility’s digital energy meter via P1 and appliance-specific energy-usage data from the smart meters via Modbus or from the smart plugs via low-energy wireless connection to then send it to its cloud platform and display it in the user-friendly dashboard. The collected data can also be delivered to the customer’s system or application through an API (Application Programming Interface) or Webhook.  

EVALAN's Energy Monitoring System

The Benefits 

EVALAN’s energy monitoring system offers a simple and no-code comprehensive solution, which allows customers to: 

  • Track device-specific energy consumption.  
  • Identify consumption patterns.  
  • Implement energy-saving measures based on device-specific usage.  
  • Optimize energy efficiency and reduce costs

Furthermore, for businesses that are considering investing in a solar energy system, EVALAN’s energy monitoring system provides a valuable first step in determining the potential return on investment and payback period, helping businesses make informed decisions about their energy strategy.  

For more information 

Send us an email to  

Or book a meeting with one of our sales managers here.  

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