Placed on – 13 September 2022

Builders in the Netherlands Rock IoT 

According to a recent study about half (47%) of construction companies use the Internet of Things.
Builders and construction

About half (47%) of construction companies are using IoT, The Internet of Things. This is apparent from the IoT Maturity Monitor conducted by EVALAN among executives in various sectors, including construction, in ALL the Netherlands. 

IoT leads to new business models  

The main reasons given by Constructors for using IoT are: 

  • Saving costs (73%)  
  • Improving productivity (64%)  

Henk Schwietert, CEO at EVALAN, explains: “The research shows that the extent to which construction companies are currently deploying IoT is fairly fifty/fifty. If you look at the current adoption curve, we expect more and more companies to step in.”  

Going deeply into the results, there are three main things leading Companies to Adopt IoT: 

  1. Discovering new opportunities. 
  2. Finding new business models. 
  3. Cutting costs.  

“The Figures also reflect that a quarter of the companies that do not use IoT yet, want to do so within the next five years”, concluded Henk Schwietert. 

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